Proper Disposal of Concrete

A Guide To Proper Concrete And Soil Disposal | Gorilla Bins


Concrete has played a huge part in our lives and even more in our waste. Since the year 2018, concrete disposal has been a growing concern already. Whether you are a homeowner who has concrete leftovers from your DIY project or a contractor that has excess concrete, there are surely several ways that you can find to dispose this properly.

Leftover concretes can be used in a lot of ways, starting from gravel substitutes and driveway paving to mulch landscaping. There are surely a lot of ways that you can do to dispose concrete safely. We prepared several ways that can help you dispose your leftover concrete while doing your part in protecting the environment.


Take it to a Transfer Station or a Landfill

If you would prefer to dispose the concrete by yourself, you can take the leftover concrete to a transfer station or landfill. Transfer stations are central locations where the collection crews drop off the municipal solid wastes. But before you do this, you must contact first the facility so that you can ensure that they will accept it.


Rent a Dumpster

The most affordable and the easiest way you can do to dispose concrete is to rent for a dumpster. Concretes, asphalts, bricks, and stones are the materials that you can thrown in a dumpster. Dumpsters have varieties of sizes, and you can choose to rent one that fits your needs.


Look for a Junk Hauling Company

If you have a very large amount of concrete leftover, the great option that you can opt to is to hire a junk hauling company. Moreover, this is a great choice to those who do not have any access to trucking companies who can offload the concrete. Opting for this may cost you more, but you will get to save manual labor and time in return.


Contact for a Landscaping Company

Most landscaping companies are in search for leftover concretes as this will help them in their projects. They usually prefer to use leftover concrete as this is a greener choice for making flower boxes, retaining walls, and sidewalks.


Contact for a Building Supplies Retailer

In other cases, certain building supplies retailers accept unused concrete. These businesses will typically request you to tow the leftover concrete to them instead of offering for pick-up services.


Donate to the Community

Local businesses and contractors are looking for leftover concrete to pursue their projects because this material is not cheap. One way for you to find these kinds of groups is to advertise it on social media. Another thing that you can do is to visit community and nonprofit groups and check if they need leftover concrete. These are usually the people who are thankful for these resources.


There are a lot of ways that you can do to dispose your leftover concrete. You just have to make sure that you get to choose the best option available.

In line with this, if you are looking for a company that can help you with your building project, know that we can help you. Feel free to message Conway AR Demolition Contractor and we will come to you immediately.

Do you have an idea about selective demolition? Find out All About Selective Demolition in our next blog.