Wrecking Ball Demolition vs Excavator Demolition

Demolition process is common for those who wants to make space for their area or to renovate their building. In this process, there are a lot of methods that can be used depending on the type of building that must be demolished.

Two common types of demolition are the Excavator and the Wrecking Ball Demolition. We will be differentiating these two below so that you will know which one suits you.


Wrecking Ball Demolition

1,177 BEST Wrecking Ball Demolition IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe  Stock


A classic demolition icon is the Wrecking Ball. This is a massive steel ball that weighs up to 12,000 pounds and this suspends from the crane and swings into the building. The inertia, gravity, and sheer weight of the ball will do the work in bringing down the building.

There are a couple of methods that are used when releasing the ball. First, whipping it from a crane that is spinning. Second, dragging it back and then releasing it from a great height for a perfect drop. Swinging precision is needed because the trajectory of the ball is difficult to control once it stars to break the structure.

Wrecking balls work similar to a pendulum. When it is in its rest position, the ball has gravitational potential energy that is stored in its enormous weight. As the ball’s weight is released, its energy will convert into motion. And as the gravity starts to pull the ball, the highest point of its velocity will be achieved at the pendulum arc’s bottom point. Consequently, the weight should be released from a high point so that it can create a greater velocity.

Even if a wrecking ball demolition is relatively quick and inexpensive, this method causes lots of dust, debris, as well as safety hazards. Because of this, sites rarely use this method today.


Excavator Demolition

Excavator Tears Down Building at Demolition Site - YouTube

Excavator demolition is the method used when dismantling smaller structures like offices and homes. However, taller buildings that reached over 60ft tall and those that are built of concrete, steel, and masonry, will need a lot more heavy-duty machine such as high reach excavator. This demolition is considered to be a safer and cleaner way to dismantle any structures. This is because it causes lesser flying debris, noise, dust, and most especially, lesser danger to the operator. The reduced noise pollution that is offered by a high reach demolition can help in protecting the safety of the surrounding communities.

The building that will be demolished will be one that is attached to the excavator. The most common for these are the crushers, hydraulic hammers, and shears. In this process, the arm that is tool-equipped will pull down and break the building from top down. The special ground crews will then use sledgehammers, crushers, and hammers so that the pieces will be reduced to rubbles.

The appropriate boom size that the professionals will use will depend mainly on the building. Industrial buildings will be needing heavy tools so that thicker materials will be removed. Hence, they will have to use a boom which can handle a lot more weight rather than the height. On the other hand, high-rise buildings such as hotels usually have lighter steel on top. Thus, taller boom heights must be prioritized over heavy tools.


Do you still have other questions regarding these demolition methods? If yes, feel free to message Conway AR Demolition Contractor or call (501) 259-7997.


Another demolition method that is used by experts is Building Implosion. Get to know all about Building Implosion Basics in the next blog.